Here's' part one of my scale comparison posts.
I'll be back to edit and improve in time!
FG soldier, gripping beast Saxon, GW bretonnian, gripping beast dark ages warrior/ FG soldier kit bash
The GB is smaller by a few mm but is passable in this group. Add a reaper mini to the mix and he becomes a midget, while the FG and GW figures still seem reasonable.
GW brettonian, reaper wizard, gripping beast Saxon, CP models adventurer, frost grave soldier, reaper bones wizard, Wrath of kings ravenscar mercenary
GW bretonnian man at arms, frost grave soldier, gripping beast Saxon, FG soldier, bretonnian, FG soldier, GW empire free company
GW beer, reaper wizard, Warfames factory Indian, FG soldier, reaper bones wizard.
Reaper wizard, Die Schwarzenegger Auge swordsman (from ral partha), GW bret, Die Schwarzenegger Auge merc (from ral partha) FG thaumaturge, lucid eye cro magnon, FG soldier
The lucid eye hunter is pretty chunky but as a huge tracker type he fits the bill.
Die Schwarzenegger Auge (from ral partha), reaper, FG soldier, CP model wizard, FG thaumaturge, lucid eye cro magnon, cp models plague doctor.
Verdict: Wargames factory are too small to use alongside most of the other ranges effectively.
Gripping beast are a little on the small side but passable if used with FG
GW humans are almost the same height and proportion as FG, especially the plastics which I've mixed. Most of the time, just the hands differ.
Reaper a bit on the big side but still passable.
Die Schwarzenegger Auge are a little tall compared to FG soldiers but still ok.
CP range but generally seem fine.
Lucid eye at chunky but as cavemen etc got the bill despite their size.
That's it for now! More to come as I open up the rest of my post!